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What is Flairbo marketplace?

Flairbo.com is an online classified marketplace for individuals and businesses to sell products and services freely. It’s like your local physical market, but with one difference: you can advertise, buy or sell almost anything online without even leaving your room. You can find services from individuals that are in your locality. Basically, whatever you need is on Flairbo Marketplace. Just search for it.

Who Can Register and What Do You Need to Start?

All Nigerians who desire to sell items or services online. Also, individuals who wish to make real money online from affiliate marketing and referral activities are free to register.

You can start making money instantly as soon as you register. You qualify to earn a redeemable ₦100,000.00 signup bonus available for claim when you subscribe to any elite plan and meet the conditions for signup bonus withdrawal. The signup bonus is to inspire users to promote their businesses using flairbo marketplace to sell items and services while introducing others to do same. When you introduce others to flairbo marketplace, you create an income community that pays you as products and services are bought by your referrals from flairbo marketplace.

Why Are There Cash Out Requirements On My Signup Bonus Commission?

Some users might create multiple accounts to receive multiple sign-up bonuses, then request for cash out to get paid. This is not ideal for both our marketplace and our honest users. Therefore, our cash out requirements help to discourage such activities while inspiring all users to actively sell their items on flairbo marketplace and inviting others to do same!

What is Referral Commission?

When a you refer a new individual who registers on flairbo and purchases any product or service from flairbo marketplace, a revenue is generated by flairbo Marketplace. Flairbo pays a referral commission from the revenue generated from purchase made.

When you subscribe to an elite plan, you qualify to earn referral commissions from the subscriptions and purchases made by your referred community members. This Elite referral commission earning system continues down to the 12th generation of your network trading community.

What is an Elite Points?

Elite points is a unit value used to measure the activities and contributions of all users on the flairbo marketplace. It is also used to measure the elite bonus sharing for each qualifying active member on the marketplace.

How can I earn Elite Points?

You can earn elite points from the following activities:

1. When you purchase an elite plan. The specific elite plan you subscribe to determines the percentage of elite commission earning category you qualify to earn from all subscriptions made by members directly under your network trading community. However, you can always upgrade your elite plan at anytime by subscribing to a new plan.

2. When you refer others to sell on flairbo marketplace through your referral link or code. The more you refer others to register on flairbo marketplace, the more you earn and increase your elite points.

3. When you participate in daily ad post sharing. Your participation in the daily ad post sharing will enable you to earn more elite points.

How soon can I receive my Withdrawal Request?

We believe that getting paid shouldn't be a hassle. Once you place request for withdrawal, your payment will be made within 24-48hours of your request to your bank account provided on Flairbo Marketplace.

Do I get paid for completing a Social Media Post Submission?

You earn elite points from sharing Ads Posts daily.

You also earn elite points from refering other users who register on flairbo marketplace.

Your sharing of referral links enables you to create awareness of flairbo marketplace opportunities to others who registers under you thereby growing your community and increasing your income earning generations.

What's the best way to get Invites?

We have developed an Invite Section specifically designed to help you get more invites and earnings!

We offer various ways to earn on our platform. Get paid as products and services are sold by inviting your friends/family and others using social media to sell on flairbo.com. Go to invite section Click here to know how you can use different social media platforms to get lots of invites and earn referral commission through them.

How Do I Pay for my Elite Plan?

You can select to subscribe to any Elite Plan on the marketplace by clicking on Elite Plans on your account dashboard, then, select any Elite Plan.

Select any Elite Plan you wish to subscribe to and process your payment.

Immediately you payment is made, you will receive a notification message on the platform.

How Much do I pay to purchase an Elite Plan?

There are six types of Elite Plans available on the marketplace. They are:

1. Copper (₦5,000.00)

2. Bronze (₦10,000.00)

3. Silver (₦20,000.00)

4. Gold (₦50,000.00)

5. Platinum (₦100,000.00)

6. Sapphire (₦200,000.00)

To subscribe, Click Here.

What is the difference between Free Membership and Elite Membership?

The main difference between the two types of memberships is that for the free membership, you are free to post ads to sell your items or services. You can also refer others to sell on flairbo Marketplace and earn elite points. However, you do not get paid any commission for any purchases or subscriptions made by those referrals from the marketplace.

While subscribing to Elite Plans are not free, however, when you become an Elite member, you qualify to earn lots of elite points from referring people and income commissions when services are purchased by your referrals on the marketplace. Additionally, Elite members qualify for exclusive Ads Promotion discounts on the marketplace.

Can a Non-Nigerian Register?

Flairbo marketplace is for all individuals to sell items online freely. However, our operation at the moment is available for people living in Nigeria. As we grow, we would expand services to all individuals from any location around the world.

What do I need to succeed as a Member?

All you need is an email address and access to the Internet from any device that can browse. Then, you need a strong desire to sell items or services online if you are a business owner or you have a strong desire to help others promote their business by inviting them to sell on the marketplace.

How Much of my time Will be required?

Your time and availability depend on your circumstance. Generally, the more time you can dedicate to your online business, the more money you are likely to make.

What Kind of Work Will I be Doing?

The main responsibility is posting your items to sell and introducing Flairbo marketplace to others. This includes doing things like:

Trying to get people to understand the benefits of selling their products on Flairbo marketplace, the benefits of suscribing as an elite plan or as free members through sharing of your referral link on all social media channels you belong to such as facebook, instagram, whatsap, twitter, etc. If they join flairbo marketplace and subscribe to an elite plan, you get paid a elite commission immediately.

Introducing family members, friends and others to sell their products and services on Flairbo marketplace generates income for you when sales are made.

If you are a social media personality, placing banner ads, links and articles promoting your referral links would help you to generate good number of followers.

Sharing your referral links on blogs, forums and social networks like Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram etc.

Creating Social media groups (e.g on Whatsapp, Telegram etc) to educate people about Flairbo marketplace opportunities.

Organizing meetings, gatherings, shows and seminars to introduce people to the flairbo.

Organizing training sessions (online or offline) to invite and train other members under you on flairbo opportunities.

Sharing of posters and fliers about Flairbo marketplace opportunities.

How will I get Paid my Commissions as an Elite Member?

All payments are processed using your online Flairbo wallet from where you can easily request to withdraw your money to the bank account provided on the marketplace.

Do I need any Computer Skills or Qualifications?

No you do not need any computer skills or any qualifications.

What's the best way to get Invites?

We have developed an Invite Section specifically designed to help you get more invites and earnings! Click here

How can I Earn income from flairbo Marketplace?

We offer various ways to earn on our marketplace. You get paid from the buying and selling actiivities of all invited members in your business community.

You also, earn from the elite bonus sharing based on your elite points held.

Click here to know how you can use different social media platforms to get lots of invites and earn referral commission through these members buy or sell services.

Where Can I Find My Referral Link?

All users have referral links on their membership profile. To find your referral link, log in and access your membership dashboard, you will see your profile referral link. To copy it click on the button below it. For more details on how to get your referral links, Click here.

Where do the Commissions I am paid come from?

Commissions are generated when products or services are bought by your referred members on Flairbo marketplace. Referred members may subscribe to any elite plan or Ad Promotion packages. Such purchases generate income commissions which are paid to all members associated with such transactions.

If I join, How Soon Will I start making Money?

Yes, you can start making money immediately you join and subscribe to any of the elite plans available. Start posting your items to sell and invite others to sell on the marketplace. As an elite member, you earn elite points for each referral made and stand to earn commissions from your referrals trading activities as you register more and more people on the marketplace.

Will I be asked to pay any money for Registering?

No, your registration is free and it is free to post ads on flairbo marketplace. The only time you will need to pay is if you are purchasing any elite plans or when you subscribe to any paid Ads promotion campaigns to boost your ad posts on the marketplace.

How do I Register?

Do you have any Stores?

No. Flairbo is the marketplace — here you can sell virtually anything you wish to sell, buy goods from real people, introduce others to sell their items and benefit as goods and services are bought and sold. You can find any service you need. Any transaction you make, you make with other individual traders on the marketplace. And we exist just to connect you with each other.

Do you offer a delivery service?

No. You find out from the seller you wish to buy items or services from the best way of delivering.

How to post Ads on Flairbo Marketplace

Click on the Sell button.

Once you click on Sell, you will be immediately redirected to our registration page (if you are not a registered user).

Your email and password is required for your registration. Once you register, you will receive an email notification with email validation. Click on the email validation to confirm your email. You may be required to update your information for your identity verification.

Then, click on Sell, to create your ads Post. Complete all the information about your item such as media file type - add photos or a video, title, category, description, price and region (any video posted must not be more than 2mins or less).

After filling out the required fields, click on “submit” button.

You will have to fill out all the required fields and click on button at the bottom of the page.

Your will be requested to choose to boost your ad instantly upon completing ads post process.

Your advert will be reviewed by admins and published instantly as the ads post review process is completed.

Once your advert is posted and it goes live.

Be ready to receive numerous incoming calls from your potential buyers. Good luck with your sales.

What happens after I post my Ads?

1. Once you post your Ads, it undergoes an admin review, if your ads post is approved, it goes live.

2. You can find your ads on our website, however, sometimes, due to our admin role, your ad post may take little time before it live.

3. You will get a notification email when your advert is inactive. If there is something wrong with your advert and it is removed, you will be notified about that and all the mistakes will be specified so that you can edit your ad post correspondingly.

4. After publishing your post, you can choose to promote your ad post, edit it again if needed and repost. Once done, your advert may undergoes moderation before being activated on the website.

5. You can delete or close your advert any time you want. You just have to click on Close button placed under my ad section on the user dashboard.

6. You shouldn’t publish ad posts of the same content. They will be considered duplicates by our moderators and won’t go active on the website.

7. You can always manage your ads by logging in to your Flairbo account and clicking on My Ads.

What are the guidelines on how to Ads Posting on flairbo

Following guideline are required while you are posting ads on Flairbo:

1. Every advert must have a precise title.

2. All ad post should contain only a video that must be 2mins or less in duration or unique images (taken by the seller and not downloaded from the Internet) without any contact information or watermarks.

3. All ad post must contain images or a video.

4. Make sure you chose an appropriate category. Be attentive choosing a category.

5. The prices of your items must correspond to the real prices of similar products.

6. All posted products and/or services must be located in Nigeria.

7. All items and products must be legally permitted.

8. Each item for sale must be posted separately. You cannot post several products within one and the same ad.

9. Every ad must contain a brief and clear description. For list of prohibited items, check here.

What are the tips for creating an effective Ad Post?

If you really want to create a great ad, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions below:

1. Use a clear title which includes the name of the item you sell. Try to make your post title appealing and eye-catching.

2. Set a suitable price for your item so that the advert is appealing. If the price is not appropriate, getting customers may be hard. Make sure to compare the prices other sellers of same item if you are not precise with your item price.

3. The description of your product must be informative enough and must not contain any false information regarding your product or service.

4. If your upload is a video post, your video must not be more than 2mins and must be created by you. If your ad post is images, you must upload only unique and high-quality photos of your items taken by yourself and not downloaded from the Internet. The better photos you upload, the more attractive your ads post looks to the potential buyers and the more calls you receive.

5. Indicate correct contact details for the potential buyers/clients to be able to reach you easily. Try to respond all the incoming calls or to call back your customers once available.

6. Try to fill out all the fields of your profile page, as well as those of your advert, to let your customers dispose of all the necessary information about you as a seller and the products you sell.

7. The better rating you have on our website, the more chances you get to attract a lot of buyers. Remember that it is important to build trust in your business. Your rating depends on the number of positive/negative feedback received from your previous customers.

8. Make your advert as risk-free as possible. Note, advance prepayments are never required for any ad post and be ready to list those delivery services which accepts payment on the delivery of the product ordered.

My ad post has been removed, why?

There are numerous reasons why your ad post can be removed by our moderators:

1. You tried to post several items within one ad post. It is not allowed to do that. Each item for sale must be posted separately, one ad post per product. Please follow this simple posting guide so that your ad is never removed.

2. Your video uploaded on your post contain prohibited materials or inappropriate content.

3. Pictures you've uploaded contain contact numbers. We do not allow posting this kind of photos. Please add pics which don't have any phone numbers for your ads to go active on Flairbo.

4. There are certain restrictions concerning prices users might set. Please, input an appropriate price for your advert to be acceptable. If the price is not appropriate, it may be hard to sell your item. Make sure to compare the price of that item from other similar items sold by other sellers to know the fair market value of the item you intend to sell.

How do I share ads on Facebook or Twitter?

Log in to your Flairbo account, go to “Invite Section” click on any of the social media icons you want to share, to see details of how to share your referral links to maximize your social media accounts.

What are Prohibited items on Flairbo?

Users shall comply with all applicable laws, the Terms of Use, and all posted Platform rules and policies.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of goods and services promotion of which is prohibited on Flairbo in Nigeria:

1. Narcotics, steroids, and any drugs or medications that require a prescription from a licensed medical specialist

2. Weapons

3. Restricted military/police items

4. Human organs

5. Illegal/pirated copies

6. Stolen property

7. Code grabbing and lock picking devices

8. Electronic equipment prohibited by the law

9. Sexually-oriented services

10. Loans, money transactions, Bitcoin

11. Multi-level marketing, pyramid, and matrix programs

12. Network marketing and “Home Base Business” jobs

13. Products (goods or services) prohibited to sell by the law, in particular:

a, Food, processed food, water, soft drinks, spirit drinks, medical devices, drugs, drug products, cosmetics, chemicals, agrochemicals, pesticides, veterinary drugs, or other goods if they have not been registered with the National Agency for Food & Drug Administration and Control (the “NAFDAC”) or other relevant authority of Nigeria;

b, Any goods, sale, distribution, or advertising of which is banned or restricted by the NAFDAC or any other relevant authority of Nigeria;

c, Any goods, sale, distribution or advertising of which is prohibited by applicable legislation of Nigeria;

d, Any goods that do not comply with standards and quality requirements imposed on such goods by applicable legislation of Nigeria;

e, Any goods that are represented on the label or described as a treatment, preventative, or cure for diseases, disorders, or abnormal physical states specified by applicable legislation of Nigeria.

14. Trophies and wildlife specimens (including but not limited to ivory artifacts and pangolin parts) in relation to which trade is prohibited by applicable legislation.

If you have noticed any ad posts promoting Prohibited Items on Flairbo, please report them via the “Report Abuse” link available in each posting.

How long will my ad posts stay on flairbo marketplace?

Your ad posts remain on the site for 1-4 months (since the date of the last update) before they are automatically deleted or until you decide to deactivate them. Please note that you can update your ad if you have not sold your item.

How can I sell on Flairbo?

Posting your ads on Flairbo simple, just take the following steps to proceed:

Notes: if you are not a registered user, the first step will be your registration.

1. Click on the button "Sell";

2. Complete all the information. If you are posting a video ad, it must not be above 2min in duration. If you post an ad with images, it must be multiple images. Choose a proper category, upload your photos and write a clear title with a full description of your item. After that, enter a fair price, select attributes and post your advert.

3. After filling out the required fields, click on "Create Ad Post" button; Immediately your advert is posted, your advert may undergoes moderation before being activated on the website. Once your advert is live, you will receive a notification. That's all you need to do! Welcome to Flairbo marketplace!!!

Are there any rules concerning posting ads on Flairbo.com?

1. You must add a precise title for each advert;

2. Make sure you add brief and clear description without any false information;

3. Every advert should contain only unique images (taken by you) without any contact information or watermarks.

4. Make sure you choose an appropriate category. Be attentive choosing a category. If you mention the wrong category, your ad maybe taken down.

5. The prices of your items for sale must correspond to the real prices of similar products.

6. Indicate correct contact details, so that your potential customers could reach you easily. Try to respond to all the incoming calls or to call back your customers once it's possible.

7. All posted products and services must be located in Nigeria.

8. All items and products must be legally permitted (you can check the list of prohibited items here).

9. Publish all items for sale separately. There is a rule: “1 ad post = 1 item”.

10. Create different ads. If there are identical ads, we consider them as duplicates and don’t approve or if found live, it would be taken down.

Can I share ad posts on social networks?

Yes! sharing ads on social media platforms creates more awareness of the ads post which enable it to be found by more customers. In fact, each ad post is shared generates an elite point commission for such user who shared it on social media platforms. Each user have a daily task of sharing randomly selected ad post on its social media accounts daily to earn elite points. If you want to share the ad on social media, follow these steps:

1. Sign in to your Flairbo account.

2. On your Dashborad, Scroll down to see Daily Ad Post Sharing Task list.

3. Click on each of the post list to select sharing links options and share to your social media accounts.

That's it! Now all your friends in social networks know about the item you sell!

What can I do to sell better on Flairbo?

Here are some advice on how to sell:

1. Pay attention to the details.

Take the relevant photos of your goods, or if it’s a video post, make a 2minute quality video of your product. Write a clear detailed description and fill out all the fields in your ad post. All of this will help your customers to learn more about you and your products.

2. Make your ads as risk-free, as possible.

Note, that you are not allowed to ask for prepayments and be sure to list delivery services that accept payment after the product arrived.

3. Answer quickly.

Don't keep your customers waiting for your replies too long. Be online or subscribe to promo packages to always get notifications on new messages.

4. Pay attention to your rating.

Feel free to ask your customers to leave feedback about their experience with you — the more positive comments you have, the more chances you get to attract a lot of buyers.

5. Use Promo Services to get up to 10x more customers!

If you really need to sell something fast, Promo Services are your way out! Whatever your item is, you will get the most effective and unbelievable promotion for it!

How do I buy something on Flairbo?

To enjoy buying items on Flairbo, you need to follow our simple guide:

1. Search for the item

Use a search panel with filters and find what you need. We have numerous adverts on what you are looking for, so you can choose exactly what you are looking for.

2. Contact a seller

You may chat on Flairbo or call the seller via his/her phone number and set up a meeting face to face in a public place, discuss on more details or negotiate about the price.

3. Take your item or order a delivery

We check our sellers carefully, but it's always better to check twice, right? Meet with the seller in a public place and be sure to pay only after you get the item and you are satisfied with it.

4. Leave your feedback about the seller

Feel free to tell us about your experience: write your feedback on the seller's page. Other buyers will thank you one day.

How do I leave feedback about a Seller?

If you want to leave feedback, follow the instruction below:

1. Click on the button "Leave feedback", that you can find in each advert;

2. Provide detailed feedback about the seller (was your seller polite with you, are you satisfied with a purchase, etc);

* Note that all Flairbo users will see your feedback.

Let's build a safe business community together!

How do I report illegal activity on Flairbo?

If you see something suspicious on Flairbo, please report the problem:

1. Click on "Report This Ad"

2. Insert your text and click "Send".

Our Support teams will consider your request immediately. If the seller proves to be a scammer, we will block him or her. Safety is our priority!

Should I pay before or after?

We are a marketplace place that connects buyers and sellers to trade freely. You will make deals with people from all walks of life, so it’s better to discuss such things with each seller directly. However, it is against our trade compliance policy to make prepayment and we categorically prohibit buyers not to pay in advance for any item or service. This is purely a safe trade practice. You can set up a meeting face to face in a public place, review the product and — if you are satisfied — pay for it.

How can I protect myself from being scammed?

We are highly focused on security and try to solve any issues in short terms. Please, check the general tips on how to buy safely:

1. Meet with sellers face to face in a public safe place.

Check out the item's quality and make sure that it lives up your expectations before you make payment.

2. Never give out your financial information that could be misused.

Be attentive and avoid scams and frauds, such as fake payment services, fee requests or requests to use money transfer services.

3. Be careful and check the company's background twice.

o Don't submit any upfront fees for any job application or service;

o Don't go to the remote or unfamiliar places for an interview;

o Don't disclose any personal information like a bank account number or photocopy of your ID.

4. Use common sense.

Please, avoid anything that appears too good to be true, such unrealistically low prices or promises of quick money.

How can I be sure that I'll get what I requested?

We try to check our sellers carefully, but it’s almost impossible to vouch for each of them. Expectations matter, and to avoid disappointments, we strongly recommend you meet with sellers face to face in a public safe place. Review the product first, and pay for it only if you are satisfied. We repeat, review the product first, and only pay for it only if you are satisfied.

How to leave feedback about the seller or report illegal activity on Flairbo marketplace?

If you want to leave feedback concerning your buying experience on Flairbo, click on Leave feedback button available within each advert on our website. Provide a detailed feedback about the seller and note that your feedback will be visible for all Flairbo users.

You can also Report on illegal/fraudulent activity if you find something suspicious about the seller or his advert. Your feedback will be immediately redirected to Flairbo support teams and we will block the seller if he proves to be a scammer.

What are Promotion/Campaign Services?

Promotion services are specifically designed tools for sellers to promote their items more, to get more post views, to sell goods much faster and get even more clients.

What are the Benefits of posting on Flairbo?

Since Flairbo is the place where buyers and sellers meet, you will need a good promotion for your ads.

Below, you can find six benefits of posting your ads on Flairbo:

1. Flairbo is the best online marketplace in Nigeria

Flairbo is classified marketplace with large number of visitors and ads posted.

2. Flairbo has more clients than many others

We get our visitors from relevant sources like Google, Facebook, instagram, whatsapp, twitter, telegram, etc.

3. Relevant promotion tools

We promote your ads only to those users who could be interested in your products. That gives you the biggest number of real clients.

4. Personal Support

We have a dedicated support team who understand your needs very well and ensure customer satisfaction.

5. Fair price for the services you get

We charge you in naira, so you won't pay any extra commissions.

6. Flairbo is secure

You can choose to make payment using secure our peer-to-peer account transfer service that makes sure transactions are 100% secure.

If you wish to purchase a Promotion Service, please visit this link: Ad Promotion Plans

What Types of Ad Promotion services is available on Flairbo?

Flairbo marketplace offers 3 types of Ads Promotion plans that can help you to promote your ads namely: TOP ADs, BOOSTER ADs and BROADCAST ADs Plans.

Top Ads Promo are placed at the top of the search results page depending on the duration you have chosen.

When you purchase the Top Ads Promo, your ad will be placed not only in the regular listings, but a second copy will also be placed in the Top Ad section, which can be found at the top of a category listings page. Because it is displayed in two separate locations, it has much better exposure.

This popular section will display all Top Ads at a time and they will then rotate evenly each time the page is loaded in order to ensure equal visibility. As for your ad which appears in the regular section of the category, it will not change position in the listings unless you choose to purchase a Booster AD plan.

To be clear, your featured Ad will rotate among the other Top Ads in the Top Ad section, while your ad in the regular section will continue down the listings as usual.

Because of their prominent position within the category, more people read and reply to these ads! Simply put, buying a Top Ad is one of the best way to help sell your item!

Booster Ads Promo all your ads are appeared in search results more often besides, your products will be constantly shown on similar ads area.

A Booster Ads provides a quick, easy refresh for your ad when replies have started to go stale. When you purchase a Booster Ads, the posting date of your ad is reset. This helps move your ad higher in the search results. If buyers are sorting by newest first, your ads will be at the top of their search results until newer ads are posted or Booster.

Let us do the work for you by automating your Booster! Since your ad will get more exposure when it’s higher in the listings, it’s only logical to keep it there as often as possible. Of course, you can always Booster your ad manually anytime you choose, but if you’d like to post your ad and then forget about it, we can Booster it up automatically every 2 days for you to prevent it from being less visible in the listings.

Broadcast Ads Promo provides a quick, easy means for your Ads to be shared by members on various social media platforms in addition to being taken to the top page as Booster Ads

When you purchase a Broadcasts Ads Promo, your Ad is categorized among daily Ad post for share by other members and also, the posting date of your ad is reset. This helps move your ad higher in the search results. This helps your ad to receive high views from various social media platforms. If buyers are sorting by newest first, your ad will be at the top of their search results until newer ads are posted.

Because of their prominent position within the category and the multitude of platforms your ad will be shared, more people read and reply to these ads! Simply put, buying a Broadcast Ads is the best way to help sell your item!

Note: All Ads Promotion plans expire in 12 months after the purchase date if you do not activate it for your ads.

What are the Pricing and fees for flairbo Ads Promotions?

Boosted ads pop up much more frequently than standard ads. Also, we update them to get maximum visibility in search results and categories. Imagine that you hire a dedicated team of marketing professionals at a price one hundredfold less than usual. Sounds nice? Then, you certainly need to try our Promotion Services. Prices may vary based on the goals you wish to reach and budgets at your disposal. For a more detailed description of our Promotion Services, kindly visit this link Ad Promotion Plans

How to buy Promotion Services?

To buy Promotion services, you should follow this link Ad Promotion Plans choose a Promotion Package which suits you best and click on Buy now button.

How do I Contact You if I Have Questions?

To Contact us, send an email to: flairbomarketplace@gmail.com